5E-Ready Adventures
The Man Eaters take centre stage in a pair of epicly grim adventures. A chilling introduction to these cannibals appears in the search for Ivan Horack, foreboding the terrible threat that arises in A Red Dawn.
The Man Eaters are a terrible threat to the Empire, appearing like a plague of locusts, gnawing and ravaging upon whatever is in their path. It will take all the party's strength to forestall the destruction of a critical township.
This PDF Booklet contains two Adventures and 5E-Ready Statblocks for the full Man Eaters Collection, the perfect package to integrate this terrible foe into your own campaign.
Outbreaks of the Man Eater Insanity have been a quiet plague upon the Empire since the Cataclysm. In the wake of war and famine, exiles and war refugees, forsaken by the Empire, have found themselves driven to the unthinkable. Starvation leads them to feed upon their own, but in doing so, they awaken something far worse.
To those untouched by such horrors, this is simply madness. A curse of desperation and decay, fueled by guilt. But the truth is far graver, something unnatural takes root in those who consume the Fleshspoil. A hunger not their own. A sickness of the soul that does not relent.
These wretches, if discovered, are quickly strung from the gallows or put to the torch. But some escape. They vanish into the night, their shapes lost to the blackened woods, the ruined wastes. And when they return, they are no longer the same.

Scouts whisper of their hunts, roving packs that fall upon villages without warning, leaving nothing but ruin and silence. Strangely, livestock and crops remain untouched. The Man Eaters have no interest in gold, in shelter, in survival as others know it. They only deal in the Fleshspoil.
Their slaughter is more than hunger, it is ritual. The survivors of these raids speak of totems of gnawed bone left behind in the wreckage, as if marking their dominion. In distant cities, hushed rumors speak of a presence behind their madness. The Carrion King. The Carniphage.
The nature of this being is unknown. Some say it is a god. Others, an ancient predator that wears no form of its own, only those it has devoured. Whatever the truth, its will infects those who partake of human flesh, a sickness that twists their minds. It is not mere madness. It is a summons.

Few who fall to the Carniphage's call are ever seen again, but in the wake of their violence, some say they glimpse familiar faces among the fallen, lost loved ones, long thought dead, now grinning through bloodied teeth. They do not plead. They do not weep. But they hunt.
The Empire dares not acknowledge them. Official reports are burned, survivors dismissed as raving. To speak too much of the Man Eaters is to risk tempt their hunger. Yet in the forests and wild places, in the wastelands where no law holds, their numbers swell.
And they are ever hungry.