Primal Rage

The Beastmen

The cloven ones, bestial kin of the forest. Dwelling beyond the edge of civilisation, they live and die by the brutal laws of nature.

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Capra Hordes

Vicious goat-like creatures of the forest, constantly warring and vying for petty dominance amongst their own kind.

Capra Raiders | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Capra Raiders

Capra Scouts | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Capra Scouts

Capra Hunters | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Capra Hunters

Capra Chariot | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Capra Chariot

Armogor | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Bestial Champions

Bestial Cunning matched with brute strength, these apex beasts are a dangerous and unpredictable foe.

The Aurox

Great Bovine Brutes, the Aurox are a noble breed, though their waning numbers have cast them into the shadow of the Capra.

Aurox Reaver | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Aurox Reaver

Bestial Horrors

Hulking Horrors and Swollen Beasts, the dark and twisted forests hide all manner of terrible creatures that will strike dread into the hearts of any.

Cyrox | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Ghorox | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Dreadgore | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Boargores | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Gorehounds | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Beastman Terrain

Crude constructions of simple utility or inscrutable shamanic ritual.

Capra Cage | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Capra Cage

Beastmen Huts | Beastmen | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Beastmen Huts

The Beastmen are a fractured and savage race, their societies driven by chaos and a relentless scraps for power. Comprised of numerous tribes constantly warring and vying for dominance, these creatures compensate for their lack of unity with overwhelming numbers or cunning strategy.

Historically, stronger and wiser leaders, such as the mighty Aurox chieftains, held the Beastkind in check, guiding their hordes with force and long-honed wisdom. However, as these powerful figures have dwindled in number, lesser leaders, including devious shamans and warlords, have risen to fill the void.

The influence of these capricious beast-lords has led to a new era of ferocity and unpredictability among the tribes.

In recent years, the Beastmen have shown a disturbing level of organization and intelligence, employing cunning strategies far beyond their usual capabilities. Reports suggest their swelling ranks include horrifying monstrosities, united under the enigmatic leadership of unknown forces. Whether through primal instinct or dark purpose, the Beastmen continue to pose a growing threat to the lands they plague.

Led by the notorious Grimscar, chief amongst Beastlords, many tribes have united under a single banner. The thunderous marching of this horde spells doom for the Sturmenburg and the Northern Diocese.