A swollen colossus of monstrous appetite, the Hungry Lord was once a mighty war-chief, undone by a coven of Haruspex. Over eight moons, they force-fed him the finest Fleshspoil, breaking and remaking his body in a ceaseless ritual of agony and transformation. When the moons waned, the war-chief was gone—only the Hungry Lord remained, a bloated, demonic horror clad in ruin.
From his crude stone throne, he rules the Man Eaters, his distended form pulsing with the Carniphage’s gifts. His insatiable hunger is a beacon, drawing the forsaken into his gluttonous worship. They kneel before his grotesque majesty, yearning for his favor, craving their own monstrous ascension.
But when the hunger is great, when the scent of a rich feast fills the air, the Hungry Lord rises. His presence swells the Man Eaters into an all-consuming tide, crashing against civilization’s strongest bastions. Blood and bone are ground to ruin, and the Fleshspoil is offered to their ever-starving master.