Gargantuan Appetite

Accursed Ettin

Terrible Behemoths, the Ettin Tribes of the northern mountains are as voracious as they are implacable.

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Tribal Elders

Like all giant kind, the Ettin are a long lived breed. Those who rule over their Tribes are truly hulking monstrosities.

Ettin Shaman | Accursed Ettin | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Ettin Shaman

Ettin Kindred

Each Ettin is a gargantuan predator. Possessed of crude intellect, they act upon simple, aggressive instinct.

Ettin 1 | Accursed Ettin | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Ettin 1

Ettin 2 | Accursed Ettin | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Ettin 2

Twin-Headed Ettin, Hecatoncheires, primal children of the brute earth, they are known by many names. At a distance, they might be easily mistaken for the Giants of Doaden, though on closer inspection they share little of the proud and introverted nature of that noble breed.

They are misshapen, troglodytic and asymmetrical behemoths, hulking bodies covered in altogether too many limbs and, their most prominent feature, a second head…

Nestled alongside a more humanoid ‘twin’, these second heads are little more than giant, gnashing mouths. Uttering terrible belches and unintelligible yells, these mouths seek only to be fed. Whatever crude intellect their other heads might possess is predominantly occupied by dealing with their single-minded brothers or sisters.

The Accursed Ettin Tribes lurk among the mountains that divide the Azerai Empire from icy Thule, homeland of the Warclans. These monstrous beings are among the many perils that make travel between these lands so perilous.

Well adapted to their frozen peaks and jagged crags, the Ettin occasionally descend in search of easier prey and respite from the cold. When they do, disaster follows. Livestock, farming families, even entire militia brigades, fall to their insatiable hunger.