Be not afraid

Echoes of the Seraphim

From the celestial abyss descended the Seraphim, alien, boundless entities driven by the enigmatic will of Divine Chaos.

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The Faceless Watchers

Unseen Eyes ever vigilant, observing the impercptible strands of fate and consequence.

Arch Watcher | Echoes of the Seraphim | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Arch Watcher

The Pantheon

Exalted Seraph, entities of boundless power, their will utterly inscrutable to the narrowed minds of mortals.

Yesod | Echoes of the Seraphim | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Tipheret | Echoes of the Seraphim | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Cult of the Voidtouched

Mortal Followers of the Seraphim, blinding themselves in rapturous adulation of uncaring deities.

Oculus Consul | Echoes of the Seraphim| Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Oculus Consul

Seraphic Hosts

The Angelic Host, descending upon Doaden to the call of trumpets and slow rapture.

Seraphim | Echoes of the Seraphim | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Cherubs | Echoes of the Seraphim | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Exiled from Firmament

An agent of the heavenly void, cast out to live amongst mortals for transgressions unknown.

Fallen Pariah | Penitent Hero | Bestiarum | Miniatures | D&D | Wargaming | DnD
Fallen Pariah

5E-Ready Supplements

5E Faction Book

Learn more of the human followers of the Seraphim in this supporting Faction Book, containing lore and statblocks for the Voidtouched, Oculus & Tipheret.


One-Shot Adventure

Face the Haunting Cries of the celestial Seraphim in an easy-to-run Adventure, culminating in an Epic Lair Boss Fight with the many-limbed Seraphim.

Access the Adventure Archive

Descending from the heavenly void came the Seraphim, boundless beings of alien energy driven by a purpose beyond mortal understanding. Their presence, a spectacle of majesty, ensnares the minds of mortals, leading many into realms of rapturous madness.

In the wake of the Cataclysm, their arrival has been most keenly felt in the arid deserts to the East of the Cataclysm’s Fulcrum. What drew them to this place is as yet unclear, but the Seraphim have chosen to inhabit the many of the ancient towering Templums scattered across this desolate landscape. The greatest Entities - a Pantheon of awesome beings including the so-named Yesod, Tipheret and others yet stranger, have spent much of their time since in strange silent repose, apparently lost in unknowable meditation - what secrets they ponder upon would likely be beyond mortal comprehension.

Unsurprisingly, there are folk who view the Seraphic Entities as embodied manifestations of the Divine Will. A belief vehemently opposed by the followers of the Azerai Creed, who proclaim them as Demons, and subject to the same bitter hatred given to the Jailer and Baphomet’s dark ilk.

Those who have given themselves over the worship of the Seraphim are zealous in the extreme, their minds fundamentally warped by the otherworldly wisdoms bestowed by their strange masters. Serving these Voidsome beings with absolute loyalty, they administer to their Temples and hold vigil, ever waiting for some word of command from their indifferent overlords.