Demonic Ravagers of an Infernal Realm
The Hellspawn
Fashioned of Hatred and Rage, borne from a realm of endless conflict, the Hellspawn seek only to bring their conflict across Realities.
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Legions of Hell
Marching forth from savage wounds in reality, each step burns a terrible wound in the earth.
Infernal Lords
Lords and Commanders of the Hell Realms, consumed by rage and the burning desire to inflict their dominance over all before them.
Hellbound Raiders
Once mortal, the Skragoth cast dark pacts with Hell in exchange for terrible powers, using them to raid across endless realities.
The Twisted Summoners
Corrupted and Maddened in exile, these sorcerors are determined to draw the legions of Hell into Doaden.
Wounds in Reality
Flesh-like Portals to the Hells beyond, from which pour the endless hordes.