5E-Ready Supplement

5E Ready Faction Book
Alongside Statblocks for Captain Odette's Crew, this book contains a wealth of information not just on the Roilsea Corsairs, but also a peek at the nigh-mythical pelagic city that they call home.
The dangers of the ocean are apparent to even the most casual observer—vicious storms, churning waves, and monstrous leviathans eagerly await the unwary or unskilled sailor. As such, most sane folk confine themselves to the safer stretches of coastline that border the Empire, never straying beyond sight of land. It’s a precaution meant to ensure a swift retreat to solid ground before the next meteorological or biological horror emerges from the deep.
Yet Doaden, as ever, is a land that breeds folk of extremes, and some brave—or mad—souls face the bottomless terror of the seas with reckless confidence. Among them are the Roilsea Corsairs, a loose alliance of pirate bands who dominate the treacherous waters southwest of the Empire.

Amidst the roiling waves and briny fog, far from the Empire's shores, lies a sprawling nautical metropolis—a kingdom of pirates, corsairs, and exiles drawn from every corner of Doaden. This hidden city, known only to those who possess the privileged knowledge of the few safe routes through treacherous seas, remains inaccessible to the uninitiated.
Shrouded in secrecy, the Spar is one of the few near-mythical metropolises scattered across Doaden's oceans. This vast shanty town is built precariously upon, and within, an ancient structure, a colossal, hollow pillar that juts barely above the ocean's surface, before plunging into unfathomable depths. The origins and purpose of this structure have long been lost to time.