Captain of the independent dreadnought Phegwith, the name Odette evokes both awe and terror among the coastal communities and seafarers of the Empire. Her rise to infamy began with a daring mutiny against the Phegwith’s previous commander, the feared pirate warlord known as Hagbeard.
Since taking command of the vessel, the crew of the Phegwith have enjoyed much success, and greater notoriety. Renowned for a cold professionalism matched only by their brutal efficiency, they have carved out a lucrative trade along the Empire’s southern coast, offering their deadly services as mercenaries to the highest-bidding Merchant Princes and Syndicates. Yet, they remain elusive, never lingering long enough to draw the wrath of the Church or its relentless Crusade.
Odette’s gear is as distinctive as her ruthless reputation. Like her crew, she wields an eclectic arsenal, but her equipment is uniquely formidable. Most notably, she carries a colossal long rifle and bears a body harness that grants her six clattering arms. These extra limbs possess a terrifying dexterity, allowing her to navigate her vessel with uncanny precision while turning any confrontation into a whirlwind of coordinated violence.