Attendants, tinkerers, assistants, and occasionally combatants, the Alchemic Order unsurprisingly consists predominantly of Alchemists. Those who journey with the grand caravans are resilient and proficient, each possessing skills worthy of the resources they consume on perilous voyages across Doaden.
Fueled by an insatiable curiosity, alchemists are perpetually engaged in the experimentation and refinement of new concoctions. Upon entering a township to ply their enigmatic trade, they seek out the rarest and most esoteric of reagents— the cankers of a widow, twin-headed kittens, or a sorcerer's nightsoil. In exchange for these odd ingredients, they offer their talents to the populace, presenting a myriad of peculiar solutions to the myriad problems and afflictions that beset the realm. Whether it be remedies for blighted crops, relief for persistent ague, or solace for a veteran's tormented psyche, there is little an Order Alchemist will not offer to fix.
Though not inherently adept in combat, the alchemists of the Order possess the means to defend themselves against dissatisfied clients or the dark perils of Doaden. The contents of their reagent pouches and vials can be blended into combinations capable of searing flesh, shrouding surroundings in a miasma of frenzied aggression, or bolstering the prowess of their martial companions. Such abilities render them far more formidable adversaries than their outward appearance belies.