5E-Ready Faction Book
Though the Spiral Dharam remains shrouded in much mystery, a wealth of lore about these noble warriors and their faith can be found in the accompanying Faction Book, alongside a raft of 5E Statblocks, so you can bring these strangers into your game.
They can serve as an interesting encounter for a campaign based in the Azerai Empire, offering the party a rare glimpse at what lies beyond their homeland, a new example of how mankind survives in these terrible times.
This PDF Booklet contains Lore, Adventure Prompts and 5E-Ready Statblocks for the full Spiral Dharam Collection, alongside a raft of inspiration to integrate this religious warriors into your own campaign!
The followers of this creed are warrior monks devoted to a titanic, subterranean creature, a colossal worm which burrows through the vast depths of the earth. To them, this being is no mere beast but an incarnate deity, its spiral coils symbolizing the path to ultimate enlightenment. By treading this sacred path, they believe they might touch the wisdom of the divine.
The origins of the Great Worm are shrouded in mystery. Was it an otherworldly entity drawn to Doaden in the wake of the Cataclysm, like so many of the horrors that now plague our world? Or has it always slumbered deep in the earth, waiting to be roused by the apocalyptic tremors that shattered the old order? Whatever the truth, its emergence has inspired a faith as unyielding as the earth itself, and one that now seeks to expand its reach across the fractured lands of Doaden.

Centuries ago, the Great Worm awoke and claimed its home in the temperate, rock-strewn lands in Doaden’s East, beyond the desolate expanse of the Akhaemian Desert. The geological upheaval caused by its awakening remains a mystery to the Empire’s scholars, though one can easily envision a region marred by unstable ground and relentless earthquakes, shaped by the creature’s immense power.
Yet, such a colossal being cannot be confined to a single domain. The Great Worm roams vast distances, burrowing through the unyielding earth of Doaden. Its massive form, spanning nearly a hundred meters across, carves enormous tunnels in its wake, tunnels that form the legendary Worm Roads.
These subterranean highways are largely unknown to surface-dwellers and inspire dread among most creatures of the deep. However, the followers of the Spiral Dharam traverse them with unparalleled confidence. So attuned are they to their god’s movements that they can predict its migrations, knowing precisely when it is safe to walk these perilous paths carved by the divine.