Those upon the Fringes

Dark Denizens

Doaden is a shattered world, and it plays host to a rogues gallery of strange and inscrutable folk, driven by impetus beyond common ken.

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Merchants & Peddlers

Dealers in trinkets, the arcane, and prophecy, these odd sorts should not be trusted further than your coin can carry you.

The Slavesmith

Enslaved for life, he's bound forever to his forge, a giant of unparalleled skill and tragedy.

The Circus

Witness the marvellous performances of a host of passionate entertainers, mummery in all its most noble forms.

The Ringmaster | Dark Denizens | Bestiarum | Miniatures | D&D | Wargaming | DnD
The Ringmaster

The Jester | Dark Denizens | Bestiarum | Miniatures | D&D | Wargaming | DnD
The Jester

The Tamer | Dark Denizens | Bestiarum | Miniatures | D&D | Wargaming | DnD
The Tamer

Mummer Hounds | Dark Denizens | Bestiarum | Miniatures | D&D | Wargaming | DnD
Mummer Hounds

5E-Ready Faction Book

The Dark Denizens Faction Books contain a wealth of information about these strange folk, and their appearances across Doaden.

The Circus Faction Book provides a wealth of tools for deploying this terrible spectacle to delight and terrify your players, while the accompanying statblocks for the Merchants & Slavesmith provides a framework for delivering a range of NPCs with unique items and rewards on offer.

This PDF Booklet contains Lore, Adventure Prompts and 5E-Ready Statblocks for the full Dark Denizens Collection, alongside a raft of inspiration to integrate these odd sorts into your own campaign!

To the folk of the Empire, life is an unremitting cycle of drudgery and duress, punctuated only by toil, hunger, and the occasional bowel-loosening terror. Yet even in such conditions, the mind craves diversion. From the simple to the salacious, the raucous to the reserved, there will always be a need for amusement, a fleeting escape from the weight of existence.

Most often, entertainment arrives in the form of a wandering bard, or an uncharacteristically spirited Azerian sermon, drifting from town to town, exchanging their craft for coin before vanishing like morning mist. Grander spectacles, plays, orchestras, and dances, are confined to the great cities of the Empire, the Sunlit Citadel and its like, where wealth and stability permit such indulgence. Beyond their walls, the wilderlands stretch vast and perilous, and no troupe of performers would long survive the Empire’s untamed roads.

There are whispers. Tales of a travelling cadre of mummers, a circus of impossible wonders, slipping between the cracks of civilization. They come without warning, appearing at the edges of forgotten villages and lonely crossroads. Their performances defy sense, spectacles of beauty and horror, laughter and despair. Those who witness them speak in hushed voices, uncertain of what they saw. Some claim to have left the show changed, hollowed. Others were never seen again.

The roads of Doaden are long, and the circus always moves on.