5E-Ready Faction Book
The Grim Village Faction Book contains a wealth of information about the odd and insular folk that dwell on the borders of civilisation.
The strange village folk of Dark Forest are perfect fodder for investigations and adventures in the strange fringes of the empire. With a strong folk-horror influence suffusing the release, the best adventures with these characters will evoke a sense of otherness and high-strange, especially for a worldly group of adventurers.
This PDF Booklet contains Lore, Adventure Prompts and 5E-Ready Statblocks for the Grim Village Collection, alongside a raft of inspiration to integrate these odd folk into your own campaign!
On the edges of the Azerai Empire, danger is a constant companion. Hardbitten frontier towns and villages face relentless threats, far from the reach of the Penitent Crusade’s protection. Here, residents fend for themselves against the myriad horrors of Doaden, a reality they have come to embrace.
These rural folk mistrust the trappings of civilization, clinging to their ancient customs and traditions. These ways, at odds with Azerai’s strict creed, stem from wisdoms predating the Cataclysm that shattered the realm. Evidence of these old religions can be found in the Wilderness, where towering Menhir Stones stand adorned with runes that pulse with strange energies.

Most keenly felt by those dwelling upon the borderlands, the Cataclysm’s corruption seeps into everything, even nature itself. The Ageless Fae have been twisted by madness, beasts of the deep wilds grow increasingly aggressive, and the dread Baphomet rises in power. These evils lurk, ready to entrap or devour the unprotected edge-dwellers.
This harsh mix of deprivation and lurking darkness ensnares many. For those living on the fringes, the dark entities of the outer wilds often feel more real than the distant ideals of the Azerai Creed.