Ancient Blood Boils

Burial Isle

A relic of a bygone age, before Empire. The dried and dessicated tombs of a lost kingdom begin to bubble with the strange effervescence of a God's Blood.

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Relics of Lost Scythria

The Long Dead rise from their dusty tombs, defending their God's rest from interlopers.

Scythrian Idol | Burial Isle | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Scythrian Idol

Awakened by Blood

The Blood of the Scythrian's Ancient God bestows great power upon those who sacrificed for it.

Awakened Blood | Burial Isle | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Awakened Blood

Corrupted Idol | Burial Isle | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Corrupted Idol

The Judge

The God of lost Scythria, a being of immense power, engorged with the blood of uncounted sacrifices in ages past.

The Judge | Burial Isle | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
The Judge