Will Subsumed by leeching bite

The Gorgon Catacombs

Swollen, insectile creatures driven by a strange, predatory intellect. These parasites latch onto any warm-blooded creature that ventures too close to their lair.

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The Enslaved Hosts

Lost souls who drew too close to the dreaded Gorgon Catacombs, their minds and bodies lost to the foul parasites.

Enslaved Bear | Gorgon Catacombs | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Enslaved Bear

Enslaved Moose | Gorgon Catacombs | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Enslaved Moose

The Gorgon Parasite

Skittering and loathesome, the gestalt intellect of the Cramplers is driven by predatory and malignant intent.

Cramplers | Gorgon Catacombs | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Crampler Eggs | Gorgon Catacombs | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Crampler Eggs

Skittering Abominations

As the relationship between Host and Parasite matures, strange and terrible new forms emerge.

Stinger Bug | Gorgon Catacombs | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Stinger Bug

Infector Mage | Gorgon Catacombs | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Infector Mage

Infector Bug | Gorgon Catacombs | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Infector Bug

The Heart Keeper

Heart Keeper | Gorgon Catacombs | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
Heart Keeper