The last of his lineage, noble King Auberon bears the burden of overseeing his race's gradual decline over millennia, a fate he attributes to the cursed alliance he himself forged with the Fleshsmith. From his imposing bonemould throne, he broods over his twilight realm, resenting each passing un-day.Rarely stirring from his seat of power, King Auberon commands reverence even from the staunchest adherents of the Fleshsmith's cult when he deigns to traverse his domain.
In the early days of the unholy pact, the Underking, too, availed himself of the Fleshsmith's twisted gifts, integrating his entire royal court of viziers, sorcerers, and consorts into his very being, despite their protests. Ever since, their chorus of voices continue to murmur incessantly from Auberon’s chest, burdening his already fractured psyche.
In battle, confronting the Underking is to confront a lethal fusion of raw strength and graceful agility. Wielding two colossal bearded axes with deadly precision, he whirls and strikes, his billowing robes concealing fatal blows until it's too late for his adversaries to react.