The Remade Elf Caverunners are eerie figures, their bug-like limbs skittering across the subterranean depths as they fulfill their role as scouts and vanguards for their subterranean brood. Lives of constant violence at the waning frontiers of their kingdom have necessitated extensive modifications to replace lost limbs and damaged organs. However, far from diminishing their effectiveness as scouts and soldiers, these enhancements have only sharpened their skills, as any unfortunate intruder would swiftly discover.
Masters of the labyrinthine tunnelways, the caverunners possess an uncanny ability to blend into their surroundings, their bonemould skulls pressed against the stone walls as they wait in eerie stillness, attuned to the slightest vibrations that might betray the presence of trespassers. Primarily tasked with purging the pernicious encroachments of that unclean cave-breed, the Goblins, they occasionally set their sights on more lucrative targets, perhaps even capturing prey valuable enough to present to their master…