Lurking in the deepest tunnels of Doaden, Cave Spiders are swift, lethal predators, perfectly adapted to stalking prey through the twisting subterranean warrens. Whether hunting lone wanderers or overwhelming larger creatures with sheer speed and cunning, these arachnid horrors ensure that few who trespass in their domain ever escape.
It is these monstrous spiders that most inspire the dreaded Fleshsmith. She sees in them the pinnacle of predatory design, limbs crafted for relentless pursuit, senses honed to detect the faintest tremor, and fangs sharpened for swift, merciless kills. Awed by their perfection, she has devoted herself to remaking flesh in their image, reshaping the fallen into grotesque parodies of these skittering nightmares. In her eyes, no form is more suited to survival, and no fate more fitting for those who fall into her grasp.