The Jathedar are the revered leaders of the Spiral Dharam, those most enlightened in their understanding of the Great Worm’s labyrinthine nature. Each Jathedar embodies a unique aspect of the faith, be they Guru, Warlord, or Mystic, but the Ambassador of the Spiral bears a singular duty,to carry the faith’s word across the vast expanse of Doaden.
Long ago, the Ambassador undertook the oaths of the Sevadar, a path that transformed them utterly. Achieving a profound oneness with the Great Worm, they have become a being unlike any other. A writhing mass of coils and tendrils assumes the vague shape of a man, though towering many times taller than their followers. This unsettling figure casts an intimidating shadow over their Jatha, their presence both alien and divine.
The Ambassador moves with an unnatural fluidity, their every motion imbued with purpose. Their voice, a susurrus of sibilant whispers overlaying a pained human tongue, weaves through the minds of those who listen, at once disquieting and compelling. Though their appearance may evoke terror, they exude an uncanny calm, a placating aura that allows their words to pierce even the most resistant of hearts.
Through sheer presence and conviction, the Ambassador of the Spiral embodies the power of their god, a living testament to the Great Worm’s will. To the faithful, they are a beacon of divine purpose; to the uninitiated, they are a harbinger of a strange and inevitable truth.