The Roilsea Corsairs are a loose confederation of privateers, sailors, raiders, and mercenaries, bound only by their shared service aboard the seafaring vessels that dare to navigate Doaden’s perilous oceans. The diverse crews consist of all manner of caste, origin, and character, united by a single creed: talent at sea and skill with a blade take precedence over borders or the petty squabbles of land-dwellers.
Among the Corsairs, combat is a brutal, efficient art. Their fighting style blends swift, ruthless strikes with a mix of black powder pistols and intricate and brutal bladed weapons. Crafted by engineering talents beyond that of the common folk of the mainland, the swirling blades of these strange weapons are equally deadly both above and below the water's surface. Powered by some strange impetus, evoking the bio-alchemy of the Allsteiners, even the most heavily armoured of warriors should take care when facing the Roilsea Corsairs.