While most of the Cult are frenzied maniacs, as likely to spit insane rambling invectives as strike out with violence, there are some who retain some semblance of cordiality to further their strange goals. For Burdun, the self-styled Cult Fence, this goal is greed.
A supremely odd fellow, Burdun’s swollen head and gangly body do not exude the menace so common amongst the Tormentor Cults, and his rapid mercantile patter quickly disarms those still considering violence upon his person. If his peculiar demeanor isn't enough to ward off aggression, the presence of his hulking companion should give pause to even the most violent problem solvers.
Burdun and his Manservant are traders, supremely focused on the art of the deal. Twisting the dark credo of the Tormentor Cults to suit his needs, Burdun seeks only the most equitable deal for his myriad goods and services. And myriad they are indeed, for the cage fused to the back of his companion contains a seemingly endless array of wonders, drawn as if from another dimension.
Indeed, should one find a moment's silence within Burden’s endless chatter, they might hear the distant anguished wails borne from a realm beyond our own…