The Gorged are monstrous brutes, swollen with power from years of feasting upon only the finest of the Fleshspoil. While lesser Man Eaters gnaw on bones and filth, the Gorged claim only the richest cuts—the hearts of champions, the marrow of warriors, the livers of the strong. This excess has made them vast, their frames thick with corded muscle, their movements ponderous but unstoppable.
Bound in ragged bone charms and caked in the reek of old blood, the Gorged serve the Haruspex directly. Their grotesque feasts never truly end; half-eaten bodies dangle from their grips, still twitching as they take another bite, the wet smacks of chewing mingling with the screams of the dying. Some cradle their Fleshspoil like cherished offerings, gnawing slowly, savoring every shred of strength they consume.
Slow they may be, but when the Gorged charge, nothing stands. They crash through lines of steel and stone with the weight of gluttonous ruin, dragging foes down into the dirt and tearing them apart with grasping hands and slavering jaws. To them, battle is but the first course, its true purpose lying in the feast that follows.