5E-Ready Faction Book
The House Lionheart Faction Book contains a wealth of information about this fading noble house, and it's place in the Empire's Order.
The Knights of House Lionheart can be integrated into all manner of narratives, from surprise encounters with a chivalric knight, to the introduction of a new and complicated ally-antagonist in the form of Lord Lionheart.
This PDF Booklet contains Lore, Adventure Prompts and 5E-Ready Statblocks for the full House Lionheart Collection, alongside a raft of inspiration to integrate these might knights into your own campaign!
One of the smaller noble houses of the Empire’s Western Diocese, House Lionheart has fallen on hard times. Once one of the mightiest of the noble bloodlines, tracing their lineage all the way back to a place upon the Emperor’s own court. Through centuries, even in the wake of the cataclysm, their authority stood unyielding, a bulwark against even the influence of the Azerai Church.
That time is long past though, House Lionheart now languishes in the shadow of its former grandeur, besieged by a succession of calamities that have ravaged their once prosperous domains. The initial blow came some decades past, as a great host of revenants sallied forth from the long-silent Castle-Calden, descending upon House Lionheart’s holdings with cold iron and dark ritual, their scourging touch left the lands scarred and their people broken.
Since then, a relentless onslaught of misfortune has plagued them, transforming what was once a beacon of nobility into a desolate wasteland of despair, a realm of diminished significance.

Presiding over this sorry state is the current Lord of House Lionheart. A small man, not just in stature, but deed, he is renowned for his insatiable greed and venomous spite, clutching fiercely to his dwindling holdings. Desperation fuels his every action as he schemes and connives, seeking any opportunity to salvage his tattered reputation. Yet, his machinations have wrought a legacy of distrust, driving away even the most intrepid merchants who dare travel the perilous roads from Bryxford to his dilapidated Manse.
Whispers and murmurs abound among innkeepers and mendicant friars alike, foretelling the imminent collapse of House Lionheart. In the cursed land of Doaden, where misfortune lurks in every shadow, the specter of disaster looms ever closer, casting a pall over the once-mighty House Lionheart.

While the Azerai Church serves as the paramount ruling authority of the Empire, the day-to-day affairs are largely managed through a system of Lordship and Vassaldom, petty states whose governance doesn't directly concern the Church. As long as they deliver their tithe and tax punctually and in the agreed amounts, these states are often allowed to govern themselves, the Church intervening only in the direst of circumstances.
This feudal arrangement is most evident in the Western Diocese. Here, noble houses trace their lineage back for generations, each possessing unique traits and traditions. The noble houses of the West fiercely protect their borders from each other, maintaining forces comprised of landed knights and their militiamen, poised to respond quickly and violently at any competing house that encroaches upon their borders.