lingering anguish

The Covenant of Grief

The unquiet spirits of the dead do not idly loose their grip upon this mortal realm. There are those whose pain is too great to forget.

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Anguished Souls

Those sworn to the Covenant by a life overshadowed by pain. Tethered to the mortal realm, they are subsumed by hatred for the living.

Mournwraiths | Covenant of Grief | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

Strighast | Covenant of Grief | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD

The Querubin | Covenant of Grief | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD
The Querubin

The Queen of Sorrows

A regal presence echoing tales of heartache and tragedy from a time long past. She followed her Sorrow into death.

The Ark of Grief

Wreathed in ghostfire and ever marching solemnly onward, it carries the burden of sorrow upon its back.

Markers of Misery

The tombs and graves of those long dead, though their bodies have rotted, their spirits yet linger.

Sarcophagus | Covenant of Grief | Bestiarum | Miniatures D&D Wargaming DnD