Despite the long disappearance of the Engineer who built this place, industry whirs ever-onwards in the depths. Fuelled by broken machines, raw metals and organic matter, the beautiful progenitor toils endlessly, birthing new creations in keeping with her creator’s vision.
The Engineer’s first great creation, Engine Eve, the Progenitor. Born from his body as much as his will, the Progenitor is the font from which all their future creations are born. Within its hulking body, complex mechanisms and alchemical processes function in glorious harmony to create new Automata, and with the right ingredients, gift them with that special spark of Animus.
Unphased by the absence of her maker-partner, Engine Eve endlessly continues her blessed industry, compulsively maintaining her Automata progeny, and when the appropriate raw materials are available, fabricating new constructs to expand her mechanical lineage.
Though unable to move herself, the Progenitor is not to be trifled with, she is the nexus of a vast gestalt intelligence that dwells within the Blessed Automata. She possesses absolute control over her surroundings within the laboratory, and her children. Should she be called upon to more direct engagement, her mighty limbs are well versed in the vivisection and re-appropriation of organic matter.