Heavyset guardians of the Alchemic Order’s Caravans. The Leper Hulks are drawn from the members of the Order whose battle with the slow rot has been lost. Their minds turning soft from endless pain, they are given simple and clear tasks to maintain usefulness until their flames are extinguished – follow the Caravan, and guard it with their lives.
Swollen and hulking beyond the size of regular folk, these Hulks are fed with strange distillations designed to augment their physical capabilities at the cost of what remains of their higher reasoning. Though, were they still capable of giving their meaningful consent, they would not refuse such procedures, for in doing so they are giving their remaining essence to the pursuit of the higher mysteries, in the only way left to them.
Encased in heavy plates and bearing enormous ornate shields, the Leper Hulks quickly amble to the frontlines of any engagement, forming a robust anchor, around which the Knights whirl, and behind which Alchemists hurl their strange concoctions.