The creation of a Haemonculus is amongst the highest expressions of the Alchemist’s Art, the creation of facsimile life from raw material. While in bygone centuries, these creations often took the form of diminutive flesh-bound entities confined to jars or birdcages, the Haemonculid Caravans of the Alchemic Order emerge as colossal and imposing constructs, borne from years of tireless experimentation and meticulous study.
Crafted in the flesh-forges of the Alchemic Order’s distant city, these Haemonculids serve as unparalleled engines of labor. Unlike their equine counterparts, they exhibit minimal temperament and boast superior maneuverability over rough ground compared to armored wagons, all the while bearing the weight of an entire laboratory upon their broad frames. From these mobile bastions, the Alchemists can continue to pursue their enigmatic arts, even on the move.
Though inherently non-aggressive, the Haemonculid can be roused to hostility when the caravan faces threat. Moving deliberatly and in absolute ominous silence, it lashes out in sweeping arcs, pulverizing anything obstructing its path. Positioned atop its twin parapets, Alchemists unleash their arcane concoctions with precision, swiftly dispatching any adversaries the lumbering Haemonculid may overlook in its relentless advance.