Though none recall his mortal name, the Wolf of Calden’s legend endures, written in blood and terror. Lord Aethelric’s greatest general, he was both executioner and enforcer, his presence alone enough to quell insubordination. In life, his loyalty was absolute, his methods ruthless. In death, nothing has changed.
When rebellion reached Calden, it was the Wolf who led its defense, holding the gates even as the land itself split apart. The tide of bodies would not break, and though his polearm carved a crimson path, he fell beneath countless blades as his Lord’s desperate ritual sealed the fortress. Yet death did not claim him.
Now, as Calden stirs once more, so too does the Wolf. Twisted by the curse but clad in the same cruel armor, he gathers the revenants in the mist-wreathed barracks. He seeks neither conquest nor glory—only vengeance. The world that forgot Calden will remember.