Thundering across the battlefield like an unstoppable force, the Beastsworn Ravager Cavalry are the brutal vanguard of Baphomet’s chosen. Clad in the same heavy plate and furs as their brethren, these riders wield great weapons and lances, driving through enemy lines with terrifying momentum. Their warhorses, bred for sheer size and aggression, are clad in jagged armor, their breath steaming in the cold as they trample the weak beneath iron-shod hooves.
To face the charge of Ravagers on horseback is to know true devastation. They strike with a savage precision that defies their wild nature, breaking formations and capable of tearing through even the hardened ranks of the Penitent Crusade’s Bulwarks. Each of their charges is a storm of steel, horn, and fury, a relentless testament to their monstrous patron’s strength, a battering ram to shatter body and hope alike.