Something’s coming…
Extremely sneaky peek at something HUGE we’ve got coming - over a year of development, one of our most beloved collections is about to burst back onto the scene in a BIG way.
In case the banner didn’t give it away - The Penitent Crusade is our next campaign, and we’ll be revealing more very soon. Until then, we wanted to give you fine folks an early peek at what’s coming - remastered units, multipart kits, plus some brutal new units charging onto the scene - fans of the previous Penitent Crusade Collections will have a lot to look forward to here.
For now, check out this brand new Bulwark, next to his progenitor - as you can see, these new models are sharper, better optimized and overall far more refined - oh, and did we mention multipart?
Accepting your best guesses for who’s waiting behind these two silhouettes also - they’ll be revealed soon!
Can’t wait to share more - keep your eyes peeled for news!
Bestiarum Crew
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