Aethelric the Undying was once the tyrant lord of Calden, a ruler whose relentless ambition knew no bounds. He drove his people to ruin in pursuit of power, scouring the lands for forbidden knowledge and delving into the secrets of the cataclysm. In his arrogance, he sought to claim dominion over the forces that shattered the Old Empire, believing himself worthy of wielding their ruinous might.
But his rule ended in fire and blood. The rebellion that rose against him was swift and merciless, yet death did not take him. Instead, the dark ritual meant to secure his dominion twisted his form beyond recognition, binding him to undeath. Now, Aethelric stands as a grotesque revenant, his hulking body bristling with additional limbs—one grasping his ancestral blade, another clutching the scepter of his office, while others carve unseen sigils into the air, summoning foul magics. Behind his ornate death mask, stolen from the tombs of his ancestors, his wrath seethes eternal.
For centuries, he has brooded within the ruined halls of Calden, his hatred festering. But the world has not seen the last of Aethelric. One day, the gates of his cursed keep will open once more, and his undying vengeance will fall upon all of Doaden.