5E-Ready Supplements

The Remade Elves - Faction Book
The 5E Faction Book contains an array of Statblocks for all the Remade Elves and their Underking, alongside a host of information about these faded beings. Perfect inspiration for weaving a tangled tale of faded splendour and bitter immortals to delight and terrify your players.

Dark Descent - A Horror Adventure
Trapped in a nightmare beneath the earth, the party must navigate an abandoned mine infested with dark elves, skittering horrors, and the monstrous Broodmother. Forced deeper into the abyss, they must confront the twisted Fleshsmith and make an unthinkable choice to survive.
The Remade are the grotesque children of the Fleshsmith, abominations born from suffering, reshaped through cruel artistry, and given unnatural purpose in the abyssal depths beneath Doaden. They are not a people, nor an army in the traditional sense, but a crawling, chittering tide of reconstructed flesh, ever-expanding as new victims are dragged into the Fleshsmith’s grasp. Adventurers, captives, and even her own creations are torn apart, reassembled, and returned to life in ever more horrific forms, each iteration a step closer to her twisted vision of perfection.
The Fleshsmith’s work is never done, and her creations are never truly finished. Even in death, the Remade are reclaimed, their ruined bodies stitched into new and ever more unnatural forms. To fight them is to battle against an enemy that does not rest, does not fear, and does not die in any way that truly matters. Those who enter the Remade’s domain do so at their own peril—for once claimed, they will never be the same again.

Hidden deep beneath Doaden’s surface, the Elven Remade stand as a fading breed, bearing the weight of their prolonged existence upon their twisted forms. Their underground realm, once ruled by the enigmatic Underking, now falls under the dominion of a new sovereign – the blessed Fleshsmith.
Centuries past, desperate to claw their way back from entropic decline, the Elves forged an alliance with the angel of anatomy. This pact, born of desperation, promised protection within the Elfin Kingdom and, most crucially, a willing supply of raw materials for the Fleshsmith's strange craft. Promising redemption to those scarred and broken by lives steeped in violence, the Fleshsmith's alliance with the Elves was soon remade into a nascent cult, spreading spiritual fervor among the populace. Many came to believe that she alone held the key to restoring their race to its former glory, even as her arts grew increasingly strange and terrible. Dissenters were few and far between, their voices drowned out by the allure of promised salvation.