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Primal Hordes,
born of the Deep Places

The Beastmen are mutant beings, appearing part human and part wild animal. They form great marauding tribes of many hideous species, from the Capra goatmen to minotaur Aurox, to the giant and one-eyed Cyrox, and many more hideous kinds.

This bipedal menagerie comes from the deep places, clad in jagged plate armour, carrying brutal and cruel blades. Descending in a rabid frenzy, their desire is only to see the realms of Man fall, and for their primordial nature-gods to gain primacy once again. Recent reports have come to the Sunlit Citadel, detailing an uncontrollable swelling of the Beastfolk ranks, and hint at horrendous monstrosities that have joined the Capra in arms, under the banner of new, mysterious, leadership....

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Broken Natural Order

The Capra are generally regarded as the physically weaker cousins to their Aurox counterparts. Yet, what these devious creatures lack in strength, they gain in overwhelming numbers, nimbleness, and moral depravity. Their tribal societies constantly bicker and war with each other, vying for power and control over the hordes.

The Capra’s negative tendencies were once kept in check by dominant Aurox chieftains who were able to control their ranks through their strength and natural wisdom gained through their long lifespans.

However, in recent years, the Aurox numbers have waned, and many Capra shamans and warlords have usurped power once beyond their grasp. Lately, the goat-like creatures have laid siege upon the great Northern city of Stürmenburg, coming up with devious ploys and unexpected strategies, far outside their normal capacity for intelligence...

Masters of the Herd
Champions of the Aurox
Capra Hordes
Aurox Infantry
Cloven Giants
Bloodbranded Abominations
Quadrupedal Harriers

read the full lore

The nature of the Deadwalkers is catalogued in much greater detail in the Faction Lore PDF, check the links below to learn more of these undead terrors!

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How to buy

Shackled to the Church's will, cast out on the most dangerous and unsavoury of missions.


RPG Modules

The Beastmen appear in 3 of our RPG Modules, one for the Aurox, and and an brutal and cinematic two-part adventure which will see the party joining the defence of the great Northern Capital against hordes of Beastmen and political machinations.

Our RPG Modules are designed for 5E and Forbidden Psalm, each includes a Digital PDF alongside a set of high resolution maps of key locations in each adventure.



 The party is charged with tracking down a missing team of rangers that disappeared in the north while investigating Beastmen raids.

In their search, they encounter the Slaughterhorn Tribe, driven from their homelands in desperation, and torn apart by internal division.


Part One
Siege of Sturmenburg

The Beastmen descend upon the great city of Sturmenburg, capital of the North and home to thousands. 

The party must join the defence on the city's great walls, and strike back against the hordes of beastly invaders.


Part Two
Siege of Sturmenburg

The terror continues, lightning rips apart the sky as thunderous booms drown out the clash of steel upon steel.  The night rings loud with the roars of enraged warriors and the guttural moans dying men as their lifeblood soaks into the wet earth. The darkened sky cries, flooding the cobbled city with sheets of cold rain and sleet.


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